The conference theme invites us to think about the need to encode different cultural realms — not only written musical and literary cultures, but also oral cultures, the cultures of underrepresented communities, and even cultural practices beyond language and music, such as dance, theater, and film. In coming together to identify and discuss the commonalities and differences between our two coding communities, we aim to discover new methods and new approaches to encoding culture in all its forms.
We hope you enjoyed the conference as much as we did?!
Safe travels to everybody and hope to see you again at the next MEC or TEI conference!
We are happy to announce that a Book of Abstracts for the Joint MEC and TEI conference 2023 has been uploaded to Zenodo: It also includes the conference program booklet. A copy has also been added to the Humanities Commons group where some participants have uploaded their abstracts and other materials.
Read more …As described in the conference Call for Proposals, the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative (jTEI) is issuing a call for papers from the conference. We encourage all authors of any type of presentation from the 2023 joint MEC and TEI conference to submit articles based on their presentations.
Read more …Poster and paper presenters were invited to upload their presentation slides or poster PDF to the newly created Encoding Cultures 2023 Conference Group in Humanities Commons. Please browse along and have a look at the files and posts.
Read more …We are happy to announce that we were able to extend the registration period until August 28th at 7am (UTC+2).
Read more …We are very happy to be able to offer a total of eight travel grants to participants of the conference. While we tried to keep registration fees as low as possible, and even though Paderborn is a relatively affordable city, getting here may exceed the budget of early career researchers and others. For this purpose, we are happy that the Music Encoding Initiative (5) and NFDI4Culture (3) are sponsoring a total of eight travel grants, with up to 500€ of funding for each.
Read more …Registration for the joint conference “Encoding Cultures” has opened. Please register via Paderborn University’s Indico system.
Read more …The deadline for submitting proposals to “Encoding Cultures” has been extended to April 30th 2023.
Read more …We are pretty sure you are already working hard on your submissions?! At our end, we were setting up a ConfTool instance for your contributions to be uploaded for review.
Read more …We are pleased to announce a call for papers, posters, panels, and workshops for “Encoding Cultures,” a joint conference of the annual Music Encoding Conference and Text Encoding Initiative Members’ Meeting.
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