Creating Digital Editions with EditionCrafter

Authors: Laiacona, Nicholas

Date: Friday, 8 September 2023, 11:15am to 12:45pm

Location: Main Campus, L 2.202 <campus:measure>


EditionCrafter is a new open source tool for the creation of digital critical editions encoded in TEI XML. It can generate sophisticated diplomatic renderings of text side-by-side with a deep zoom window of the original folios. The editor can provide multiple layers of text, such as a transcription and a translation. There are also built in functions for display of editorial notes and a glossary. In this presentation, we will demonstrate EditionCrafter and how to use it.

EditionCrafter has three parts: a command line tool, a Javascript library, and a Hugo CMS theme. The command line tool converts a TEI Document into a IIIF Manifest and a collection of XML and HTML partials. The IIIF Manifest can then be provided to the EditionCrafter Javascript library to display the edition. The example Hugo theme makes it simple, you just put the files in the right place and link to them in your page’s frontmatter.

TEI Documents used by EditionCrafter obey a few simple rules. First, they contain a facsimile element that links to the folio images. Each surface has an XML ID which is then referenced in one more more text or sourceDoc elements via facsimile attributes. EditionCrafter uses this information to construct the manifest and the text partials for each page.

The EditionCrafter Javascript library is a React component and can be easily added to any React based website. Additionally, we provide a version that can be included in any website with a script tag.

EditionCrafter is a generalization of code from the digital critical edition Secrets of Craft and Nature in Renaissance France published by the Making and Knowing Project at the Center for Science and Society at Columbia University. EditionCrafter development is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and led by Prof. Pamela Smith.

About the author

Nick Laiacona is the President of Performant Software Solutions LLC. Since 2006, Performant has cultivated a specialty in critical digital editions and has served clients throughout North America and Europe. Laiacona has acted as technical lead on digital projects funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health.

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